The Late Dr. Abraham Benjamin Erulkar, who was a Doctor in the British Regiment during the early Nintees, was transferred to Ahmedabad along with his Regiment. He was a Pioneer Bene-Israel to come to Gujarat state (then Bombay Presidency area). Dr. Abraham Erulkar being highly religious, desired to form a Bene-Israel Congregation in Ahmedabad to promote his holy activities and to establish a Bene-Israel identity in Ahmedabad to satisfy his pious ambitions. Dr. Abraham Erulkar, therefore, got some Bene-Israel's from Mumbai (Bombay) to Ahmedabad, got them employed and established their families and household in Ahmedabad. The Dandekar family of Ahmedabad was the second family to settle in Ahmedabad after that of Dr. Erulkar. When the Congregation of Bene-Israel's swelled up to his satisfaction, Dr. Erulkar started a small Synagogue (Prayer Hall) in his own house at Pankore-Naka, a conspicuous area near three gates in Ahmedabad. His pious and highly religious nature got the full co-operation and support of those whom he had brought from Mumbai (Bombay) and even the neighboring Non-Jews who started respecting him due to his such nature and sense of Charity, Love for people irrespective of Caste and creed. Then, Dr. Erulkar retired from the Army and having settled in Ahmedabad city he commenced a Dispensary-cum-Hospital in his own large house where people took treatment quite free of any charges. Poor people used to come in bullock-carts with their patients and stayed in Dr. Erulkar's house for treatment for days together till the patient got well and went back home. These people who came to him in distress and tears went back home with smiles and this made Dr. Erulkar very popular. The aforesaid Synagogue (Prayer Hall) established in Dr. Erulkar's own hired premises, commenced all religious and holy activities in the seventies of the Last Century (19th century).
History of the magen abraham synagogue In 1906, Dr. Abraham
Erulkar's son Dr. Solomon Erulkar, who was an M.D. (Durham University, England)
donated a plot of Land admeasuring 750 Sq. yards in the locality now known as
Bukhara Mohulla, opposite Parsi Fire Temple, near Khamasa Police Station, the
heart of the Ahmedabad city, for construction of the present Magen Abraham
Synagogue. The Corner Stone of the Synagogue building was laid on October 19th,
1933 and the Consecration Ceremony took place on September 02nd, 1934. This
Synagogue building is in keeping with high standards of Architecture similar to
those of Public and State (Government) buildings in Ahmedabad.
The Synagogue building was built by most gracious and handsome donations from the Bene-Israel Congregation of whom Dr. Solomon Erulkar's donation was the maximum. This was the second reason why the Synagogue was name after Dr. Abraham Benjamin Erulkar's name as the founder of the Prayer Hall.
The Congregation of Bene-Israels in Ahmedabad, had very luckily been formed of most eminent personalities who were Doctors, Engineers, Architects, High Government Officials, Lawyers and School Teachers. To name some of them, Mr. Elijah Hyams Killekar, (Telegraph High Official) who carries most of the credit for building work of the Synagogue, conducting all the social functions of the Congregation and for smooth and harmonious administration of the Managing Committees. He was highly honored in the Government and was instrumental in bringing the then His Excellency Lord Braborn, Viceroy of India to our Holy Synagogue some time after the Conscreation of the Synagogue. A Silver Cascate was presented to His Excellency in memory of his visit to our Synagogue. This visit of the Viceroy was not a small achievement for the Congregation of Ahmedabad. Bene-Israel's of Ahmedabad felt greatly honored by that visit and all the credit for the same goes to Late Mr. Elijah Hyams, the then Honarary Secretary of the Congregation.
Magen Abraham Synagogue had a large number of Sefer Torahs and hence a large size "Hekhal" was provided. The last Big Sefer Torah was presented to this Synagogue by Dr. Miss Abigael who stayed very near to the Synagogue. The Sefer Torah was received from Israel and first installed in her house observing all religious formalities and then on the day of bringing it to the Synagogue, it was taken out in a large procession through the public streets singing the Holy songs sung a Simchat Torah festival during the seven rounds. Simultaneously, another Religious procession had started from the Synagogue with about two Old Sefers towards the approach of the procession bringing the New Sefer Torah towards the Synagogue to receive the New Sefer Torah. Both processions met near the turning point of the road opposite Three Gates and then turned into onesingle procession. The dancing and singing of the Holy Songs continued till the Synagogue and the Sefer Torah were then taken inside Ceremoniously and placed in the "Hekhal". Large number of people were collected all along the procession and were very happy to hear our Hebrew songs of Simchat Torah and to see children and adults dancing in front of the Sefer Torahs. This occassion also helped to establish our identity as Bene-Israels in the Ahmedabad city and created a graceful and noble image in the minds of Non-Jews who later started inquiring about our Religion and Customs, Our Holy Rituals and Festivals.
Our Magen Abraham Synagogue completed 50 years in 1984 having been Consecrated in 1934 and it still beautifies the area of its situation opposite the Temple of the Parsees in the beginning of this new Millennium. Whereas most of the Synagogues in India have pillars inside to support the Ladies galleries, our Synagogue having no pillars to support the ladies gallery, the architecture is much appreciated by every guest visiting the Synagogue. This is the only synagogue in Ahmedabad and the State of Gujarat. Built in 1934 the synagogue is the "House of God" where the small closely knit Bene - Israel Jewish Community of Ahmedabad numbering 300 come to pray and celebrate the High Holidays and Festivals.